Tips to Help Pets Beat the Summer Heat

July 13, 2021by kennelclublax

Are you concerned about pet safety now that the summer heat has arrived? Are you looking for ideas on how to keep your pet cool this summer? Are you curious about different products on the market that can help regulate the temperature of your pet? Help is available to help you help your pets beat the summer heat.

Pets are an integral part of many family’s lives, and because they are, families often want to include them in as many family outings and activities as possible. However, high temperatures can mess up the best-laid plans by causing your pet to experience heat-related medical conditions.

Even though temperatures are rising, it does not mean you can’t enjoy the warmer months with your pet beside you. We have compiled a list of pet safety tips to help you care for your pet this summer so they and you can make the most of your time together. If there are times when you can’t be with your pet but still want them well-cared for, we have a solution for you, as well.


8 Tips to Keep Your Pet Cool This Summer

Keeping your pets safe during the hot summer months is essential and easy to achieve by following a few simple tips. Doing so will give you peace of mind and will keep your beloved pet not only safe but happy as well.


1.  Keep Water Available at All Times

Whether you’re at home playing in your yard with your pet or out and about, make sure you always have cold, fresh water available at all times to avoid dehydration and to keep your pet cool.

There are several ways to guarantee your pet gets enough water when you’re out of the home. You can carry a collapsible bowl with you and fill it as needed. Pet stores also sell a water bottle dispenser that attaches directly to a water bottle and allows your pet to drink from it. Another option is to carry a squirt bottle filled with cold water.

When at home, you can also add ice cubes to the bowls of water to help keep it cold and refreshing for your precious pet. If you notice your pet is starting to pant heavily, make sure to get them into the shade quickly and give them some water.


2.  Cool Down with a Pool or Sprinkler

For those pets who love to splash around or get sprayed with a hose, water bottle, or squirt gun, another option for pet owners to consider is purchasing a small kiddie pool for their pet to play in.  Owners can also invest in a sprinkler or misting station that their pets can run through to cool off.

Some kiddie pools even include a sprinkler. Not only will either option cool them off, but they will also provide you with laughter as you watch your precious baby splash around and have fun.


3. Protect Your Pets’ Paws

Did you know that not only does hot pavement and metal burn your pets’ paws, it can also raise their body temperature?

Walking your pet on hot pavement can cause damage to their pads. While it’s ideal to avoid the hot pavement during the hottest parts of the day, that isn’t always possible, so there are ways to protect their paws while exercising them.

Dog booties are one option pet owners may want to consider to help protect their pets’ feet. However, if the surface they are walking on is too hot, the booties may not offer enough protection. If a walk is a must, finding a local trail or park to go to is an option as long as you choose a location that is safe and will not shred your pets’ paws.

To make sure surfaces are okay to walk on, you should check the temperature by placing your hand on the surface to gauge how hot it is. You can do this with beach sand as well.

Another option is to dump some water on the pavement. If the water steams up immediately, that’s a sign it’s far too hot for your pets’ delicate paws.


4. Don’t Leave Pets Alone in Parked Cars

Even with windows open a crack, pets should never be left alone in a parked car as temperatures inside can soar quickly. Even when the temperatures outside the vehicle are mild, the temperatures inside the vehicle can get significantly hotter. When the temperatures outside the car are 80° to 100° degrees, the temperatures within the car can reach as high as 172°.


5. Avoid Midday Exercise When Temps are High

Midday exercise isn’t always an issue when the temperatures and humidity are low. However, if temperatures are above 80° and the humidity is high, it’s best to refrain from taking your pet for a walk or out for exercise. On days like those, it’s best to take walks and exercise either in the early morning hours or later in the evening once the temperature and humidity levels drop.

One of the reasons it’s best to avoid midday exercise is how the heat impacts your pets’ ability to regulate their body temperature. The higher the temperatures outside, the hotter the pavement will be.


6. Utilize Cooling Products Designed for Dogs

Like humans, dogs can benefit from cooling products, like cooling chest panels, cooling vests, and cooling pads and beds. Cooling panels and vests work great when you’re out exercising your pet. They work by dispersing heat away from your dog’s core, allowing them to maintain a normal body temperature.

Pet owners can even purchase hydration packs for dogs to wear that work similarly to human hydration packs. Hydration packs are fantastic for those who love to hike and want to guarantee they have enough water on hand to keep their pet hydrated.


7. Avoid Dog Houses

While dog houses are suitable for keeping your dog dry during inclement weather, dog houses are not ideal for pets to use during the warm summer months due to the lack of airflow within them. Your pup should have access to a shady space with plenty of cold water nearby rather than leave them in a dog house.

However, there are dog houses on the market that are climate-controlled, which means not only do they come equipped with air conditioning, they can also keep your pet warm during the winter.


8. Familiarize Yourself with the Signs of Heatstroke in Pets

As a pet owner, you should familiarize yourself with the signs of heatstroke in pets. Heatstroke is a potentially deadly condition that can occur when pets overexert themselves or are exposed to high temperatures over a prolonged period of time. Heatstroke occurs in pets because they cannot sweat like humans can to cool themselves off.

The symptoms of heatstroke that pet owners should watch out for include the following:

  • Discomfort
  • Excessive salivating
  • Excessive panting
  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Disorientation
  • Seizures

If you notice your pet exhibiting any of the above symptoms, get them into a cooler environment as quickly as possible. In addition, you should call your veterinarian to see if there are any further instructions you should follow.

It’s recommended that you have a thermometer at home to use on your pet to monitor their temperature to make sure it stays within a healthy range. If your dog’s temperature rises above 104°, that is when you should move your pet somewhere cooler. If your dog’s temperature doesn’t drop after being moved to a cooler location, it’s a sign your pet may need further medical assistance.


Boarding Your Pet With Us

At Kennel Club LAX, we understand how much your pets mean to you, so we prioritize providing them with the same level of care and love that you give them at home. You can rest assured that when your pets are with us, they will be loved and cared for, even during the hot summer months.

As we mentioned above, a great way to cool your pet off during the hot summer months is by allowing them to go for a swim. One of the activities we offer our furry customers is splash time in our onsite pool (additional fees apply).

If you have any questions about our boarding and daycare services, as well as the additional activities we offer, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

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