Pet owners should start thinking about their pet's oral hygiene early. While that may seem a bit overwhelming for pet owners -- keeping your pet's teeth healthy can be as easy as 1 - 2 - 3.
Pet owners should start thinking about their pet's oral hygiene early. While that may seem a bit overwhelming for pet owners -- keeping your pet's teeth healthy can be as easy as 1 - 2 - 3.
Are you concerned about pet safety now that the summer heat has arrived? Are you looking for ideas on how to keep your pet cool this summer? Are you curious about different products on the market that can help regulate the temperature of your pet? Help is available to help you help your pets beat...
The 4th of July is just around the corner, and you can’t wait to enjoy food and fireworks with your friends and family. But your dog isn’t quite as excited. Many dogs seem to become anxious and frightened any time a firework goes off. For us humans, fireworks are a fun part of the holiday....
Not all kennels can handle your pet's needs when they require medication or specialized care. Let us show you three tips to find the right one. Plus, how to give medication at home.
Dogs that lead social lives are exposed to various viruses, bacteria’s and parasites more frequently than their counterparts that lounge at home in solitude. This includes going to the dog parks, dog daycare, boarding facilities, puppy socials, training classes—even the aisles at the local pet store! Just because Fido lounges at home does not mean...
Upper respiratory infections (“colds”) are the most common cat disease. In fact, the feline distemper vaccine protects for the most common and widely recognized forms, although there are new viruses and bacterial infections being evolved constantly. As a cat owner you should be aware of some facts about these infections. What is an upper respiratory...
For a variety of reasons, more people are discovering the delight of living with cats. In urban areas, apartment dwellers find that cats offer companionship, without the need for frequent outdoor exercise periods. In rural areas, cats still fulfill their function as rodent catchers for many households. If you are a cat owner, you are...
Today, more and more concerned pet owners are choosing to board their dogs at boarding kennels. Kennel managers who belong to PCSA are professional pet-care providers who make a public commitment to quality pet care and who subscribe to the PCSA Code of Ethics and the Bill of Rights for Pets in Boarding or Daycare...
One of the challenges for pet care facilities continues to be a much misunderstood disease in dogs called “canine cough,” tracheobronchitis, or often improperly referred to as “kennel cough.” As a dog owner you should be aware of some of the facts about this disease. What is “Canine Cough?” Infectious tracheobronchitis is a highly contagious,...
Grooming is an extremely important, but much-misunderstood art and science. Your PCSA professional groomer would like you to understand more about this service that can improve your dog’s health, appearance and social acceptance. The following questions are the most frequently asked, and the answers should help clarify some of the more common misconceptions about grooming....